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Clerkship, Internship, Residency, and Beyond

One-stop shopping for everything you need to know about succeeding in your clerkship and the residency application process.

Human Skeleton Sketch
Applying for Residency: Events

Keys to Your Success

Applying for Residency: FAQ

This website contains links to the official Council of Residency Directors in EM guides to the EM application process.  There is a general guide, as well as specific guides for military students, couples matching, and more.

The Standardized Letter of Evaluation is probably the single most important document in the EM application process.  This is how faculty are instructed to write your EM letters of recommendation, so check it out!

Tips and tricks for crushing your EM clerkship, courtesy of the folks at CDEM.

Interactive map that provides essential information about US EM residency programs

This is the med student blog sponsored by Clerkship Directors in EM, and it's chock full of great tips and information for success in your clerkship and the application process.

An tool to measure risk of not matching in EM - currently under research.

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